Our vlog posts

As promised, we don’t settle for regular heuristics: we make them meta! We explain what that means and how it works in our new episode.

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Sven always sees things through the lens of an optimizer. What uplift effects on the mobility services business might be possible with the help of optimization.

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Did you know that quantum computers actually exist to work with? And they are incredibly fast! But is that true for all algorithms?

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In our 25th episode of One more thing about, we take you behind the scenes and show you how an episode is made.

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There are many stories circulating about quantum computers and their capabilities – the holy grail of computing, so to speak. In this episode, we take a look at how quantum computers work and how they differ from normal computers. Curious to learn more? Enjoy our latest episode!

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Even experts mix up these terms and use them interchangeably. But what is the difference exactly? We figure it out in our new episode of “One more thing about..”

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