Test OPTANO with our Cloud Demo


Test the OPTANO Platform for free and without any
obligation in order to get an idea of its capabilities.

Our experienced OPTANO consultants will guide you through the test and show you all the possibilities the platform has to offer.



Our demonstration provides full functionality – from data input and optimization to

Besides testing the finished examples, you can also
develop, test and calculate individual solutions.


The OPTANO Cloud Demo - easy to use and free of charge

Your Free Test

Let us show you how OPTANO can also solve your planning challenges. In order to provide an optimal demonstration of the OPTANO platform we have developed solutions which are characteristic of many different problems. The use cases in our examples are very basic yet they enable you to test OPTANO interactively – because sometimes, only seeing is believing.

Each example represents a question on how to solve a real-world problem for which a mathematical model has been created. This model calculates and visualizes the optimal solution based on the data which has been entered. 

OPTANO Cloud Demo.

Use case 1:
How to optimally plan an offshore windpark

New elements have to be planned in an offshore windpark. To do this, new underwater cables need to be laid.

How can the costs involved in laying the underwater cables to generate the electricity of an offshore windpark be minimized?

This is an example which can be applied in common network models such as communication and transport networks.

Use Case 2:
The Traveling SalesmanProblem

A traveling salesman is planning to visit several cities. He would like to visit each city only once and end his journey in the city where he started.

What is the shortest possible route so that he can visit each city exactly once?

This is an example which can be applied in common applications such as route planning, circuit design and DNA sequencing.

Enquire about the OPTANO Cloud Demo

We would be delighted to show you how OPTANO works – in a meeting, via webcast or, if you prefer, we can send you relevant information material. In this way you gain an optimal insight into OPTANO as well as direct contact to our experts. We also value your questions as they can be used to help us make OPTANO even better and adapt it to your requirements.

Please complete the contact form opposite to send us your message, or why not give us a call on: +49 5251 68220-0

We look forward to hearing from you!

How can we help you?

We are always available to answer your questions!

Please contact our Business Development Manager Denise Lelle.

Denise Lelle
Business Development Manager

Denise can be reached by phone, email or on LinkedIn.

You are also welcome to use our contact form. We will then get back to you as soon as possible!

We look forward to talking to you!

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