One more thing about...

Flow Location Problems

One more thing about...

Flow Location Problems

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Sometimes optimization specialists combine different existing techniques to tackle a new type of problem. This is the case for flow network analysis and the facility location problem by combining them to flow location networks. Let’s see how that works and what can be solved this way.

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The management of complex production networks is demanding. Often, the necessary transparency is lacking to coordinate demand and production capacities in such a way that goods availability and production costs are in an optimal relationship. How production networks work and how they can be optimized with the help of advanced analytics is what our colleague Marc Johann talks about in his premiere as the second host of “One more thing about…”. Enjoy!

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At first glance, infeasible problems present a major challenge. Where do the problems come from and how can you recognise and solve them? In this episode, we will explain why you shouldn’t panic about such problems and what options there are for solving them. Have fun with it!

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Creating tournament schedules seems simple, but in practice it can be quite complex. It’s also a great example of optimization. Learn more about the details and tricks of creating tournament schedules in this episode.

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