
Interview: The challenges of supply chain planning

The annual Gartner Supply Chain Symposium XPO will take place in Barcelona from June 10 to 12 this year. KEARNEY will have a stand at the event for the first time this year and OPTANO is part of the story. In an interview with KEARNEY partner and supply chain specialist Ingo Schröter, we would like to talk about what is currently moving the industry.

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How do solvers work

We like to treat solvers as magical black boxes, but it’s worth understanding their basic principle. In this episode, find out more about how solvers can be used to find our optimum incredibly fast.

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Data, Data, Data

A good set of data is the core of every optimization project. But why is so crucial, to use real data already when still implementing the software? Let us share some insights we gained on data during our optimization projects.

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