Winner of this year's
GOR company award
OPTANO GmbH has received the Company Award 2022 from the German Operations Research Society (GOR e.v.) which was presented to us at this year’s OR Conference in Karlsruhe. We are very honored to have received this award and it means a lot to us. Alongside meeting up with old acquaintances and establishing new contacts, the presentation of the award meant that this year’s conference was an unforgettable experience. We are proud and pleased that our efforts and commitment in the field of Operations Research has been honored by the OR community in this way.
As award-winners, we now join the illustrious ranks of other well-known winners including Siemens AG (2012), Deutsche Post DHL Gropup (2016), Sixt (2018) and Deutsche Bahn AG (2021).
We wish to thank the jury and its chairman Professor. Dr. Alf Kimms for the award, in particular Dr. Jens Schulz for his laudation and the OR community for the great solidarity and cooperation over many years. And, of course – last but not least – our thanks also go to our team without whom this success would not have been possible in the first place.
We look forward to many more successful years with you all. For us, GOR is a strong community in which new research strategies and practical implementations arise from close cooperations, in which young talent is promoted and Operations Research becomes recognized as a useful science within the community and beyond. Let us work make the world a little bit better every day with OR.
Dr. Jens Peter Kempkes, Dr. Ingmar Steinzen, Dr. Stefan Bunte
About the German Operations Research Society
The German Operations Research Society (GOR e.v.) is the largest OR community in Europe with approx. 1300 members. Its goal is to spread the use of Operations Research methods in academia and industry, primarily by releasing specialist publications (e.g. in the academic magazines OR Spectrum and Mathematical Methods of Operations Research), by holding conventions and workshops and, above all, by promoting young academic talent.
About the award
Since 2006, the Company Award of the German Operations Research Society has been presented every two years to honor the work of Operations Research and its use in practice. This commitment can be in the form of solutions to particularly complex or technical issues or developing particularly original OR solutions. The permanent use of OR methods to solve a wide range of issues or sustained cooperation with universities and colleges which specialize in OR are also considered to be commitment which is worthy of the award.
How can we help you?
We are always available to answer your questions!
Please contact our Business Development Manager Denise Lelle.
Denise Lelle
Business Development Manager
Denise can be reached by phone, email or on LinkedIn – or simply make an appointment with her directly using the calender linked above.
You are also welcome to use our contact form. We will then get back to you as soon as possible!
We look forward to talking to you!