Optimal planning
for sustainable
energy production

Plan energy production better - with mathematical optimization
One industry that has been directly affected more than any other by the political and social requirements related to green energy is, of course, the energy sector. Generating ecological energy – above all solar and wind energy – is far less controllable and thus requires changes to its supply and storage. Sector coupling is also posing a major challlenge for the energy sector: While industries have so far been viewed independently of one another, the goal of generating ecological energy has resulted in more extensive and complex inter-relationships.
Meeting these challenges head-on means that digitization has become more important than ever. Why not let mathematical optimization support your business here?
Using mathematical optimization to achieve greater sustainability and security for the energy of the future.
network planning
Investments in energy networks are long-term and very cost-intensive. OPTANO helps you in your decision-making process by finding the best solution.
end-to-end Network planning
For manufacturing to be CO2-neutral, it is important to know exaxtly when, where and how much CO2 is emitted. With OPTANO end-to-end planning CO2 emissions can be reduced along the entire value chain.
Employee Capacity Planning
Employees are a valuable asset. so it is precisely here that nothing should be overlooked in your planning. With OPTANO your maintenance schedules and appointments with customers can be scheduled optimally – and much more besides.

Dr. Sven Flake
Thanks to mathematical optimization, the growing complexity caused by more sustainability in the energy sector is no problem at all.
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