Recognize and use potential for optimization

Find out in our workshop how you can use
your data to increase sales and reduce costs.
Identify optimization potential
Initiate optimization projects
Quick Wins

Optimize your processes and structures with mathematical optimization

“How can this be done much better?” Work with analytics experts to find out what optimization potential lies in your data. Benefit from the experience gained from over 350 optimization projects and receive concrete recommendations for action and a basis for decision-making for further steps. Mathematical optimization is a powerful tool for unlocking hidden potential in complex processes and structures. The rule of thumb is: the greater the cross-dependencies and the greater the complexity, the more potential can be unlocked. But how can you find out which levers for optimization exist in your own company? What are the prerequisites? What optimization options are there and which quick wins can be implemented quickly? We would like to answer these questions with our workshop offer “Identifying and using optimization potential”. Our experts will work with you to analyze your processes and identify opportunities for optimization. Based on many best-practice examples, quick wins can be derived from which you can benefit immediately. Get in touch with us!

Mathematical optimization is a powerful tool for unlocking hidden potential in complex processes and structures. In our workshop “Identifying and exploiting optimization potential”, our experts will work with you to analyse your processes and identify optimization opportunities. Many best-practice examples are used to derive quick wins from which you can benefit immediately.

Workshop contents

In a preliminary meeting, our experts will discuss the framework conditions with you using a detailed checklist. Where do you think there is potential for optimization? What goals are you pursuing? What data do you need for this? What hurdles do you see? With the help of this information, we prepare the workshop day individually for you.

Overview Quick Estimate

Work with our experts to develop concrete approaches for optimization in your company. The focus here is on quick wins that can be implemented quickly and profitably. In addition, we will develop a concrete roadmap of the next steps required to establish a mathematically optimized planning process. Our experts will point out possibilities and best practice examples that contribute to your goals.

The workshop lasts 6 hours. It can take place remotely or on-site. We recommend a number of 2-6 participants.

Workshop overview

After the workshop, you will receive specific recommendations for action and quick wins to help you achieve your goals and overcome the hurdles. You will receive an assessment from our experts as to how high the optimization potential in your company could be and decision support for follow-up projects and investments, together with a roadmap for possible implementation.

Documentation overview

* Price plus travel costs and expenses for on-site appointments by prior agreement.

Analysis of the
initial situation

Development of the

Presentation of
optimization options

Identification of
optimization potential

Working out
quick wins

Development of
recommendations for action

Creation of
extensive documentation

Developing a
roadmap for implementation

Request more information

Denise Lelle
Business Development Manager

Denise can be reached by phone, email or on LinkedIn – or simply make an appointment with her directly using the calender linked above.

Your e-mail address will only be used for replies. Further disclosure to third parties is excluded, except in the event of judicial orders. For more information please read our Privacy Policy.


Technologiepark 18
33100 Paderborn

fon +49 5251 68220-0
fax +49 5251 68220-90